New 1 Hour Design Challenge Launches TODAY! Business Card Hacks


We’ve just opened up our latest 1 Hour Design Challenge, this time asking designers to come up with Business Card Hacks. Here’s the brief:

Business cards, those ubiquitous 2″ x 3.5″ pieces of paper stock, can be the perfect vehicle for invention. Bend one and it becomes a chopstick rest, add some paper clips and a bulldog clip and create an office pet, cut some notches in a bunch and you’ve got a versatile construction toy.

This 1 Hour Design Challenge invites designers to come up with a new use for the business card. The only condition is that it’s gotta be 3D in some way. You can add materials or remove materials, but it should be obvious that your design started out as a business card. Post sketches of your idea, or if you can construct it in an hour, upload photos of your creation. Or embed a YouTube video for that how-to vibe.

The top 5 entries will each receive 1000 free business cards from our sponsor, uprinting. Guest judge is Gino Orlandi.

>>Enter your submission here<<


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