NeoCon 2010: Object Design League Bags Workshop

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pemGuest post by Thom Moran/em/p

pDown the street from the Guerrilla Truck Show, the a href=””Object Design League/a (ODL) put on a unique event in the basement of the old FlatFile gallery. Upstairs, the a href=””Object Sociey/a, comprised of established furniture designers, had their second annual show, with new work created by their members over the past year. Meanwhile, in the basement, ODL showcased the results of a two-day workshop called “BAGS” they held a week earlier. Based on the midwestern yard game called bags (or cornhole), the workshop asked eleven young designers to invent their own yard games with a variety of found materials. The results are casual, improvised and even ugly, but, most importantly, they are fun. Visitors were encouraged to play the newly created games, and the result was an energetic, action packed alternative to the typical gallery opening. /p

pCheck out the video and let ODL member (and workshop participant) Peter Bo take you around the show and fill you in on the details. Or, watch a really fast-paced game of Bad Neighbors below./p

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pParticipants included: Peter Bo, Garrett Smith, Jason Chernak, Robyn Carter, Steven Haulenbeek and Caroline Linder, Emily Lin, Elliot Eakin, Ciara Taylor, Bryan Metzdorf and Lisa Smith./p

pA few shots of the installation after the jump. /p

div style=”align: right;”img src=”” width=”468″ height=”328″ alt=”2010-blog-bags03.jpg”//diva href=””(more…)/a
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