Natural Indigo by Osko+Deichmann

Natural Indigo by Osko and Deichmann

Designers Osko+Deichmann of Berlin have covered a series of domestic objects in a coating normally applied to street furniture in order to prevent vandalism.

Natural Indigo by Osko and Deichmann

The collection of 19 pieces includes a clock, lamps, vases, a piggy bank, a bird house and a set of garden gnomes.

Natural Indigo by Osko and Deichmann

The project is on display at Gallery S. Bensimon in Paris from tomorrow as part of an exhibition called Natural Indigo.

Natural Indigo by Osko and Deichmann

More about Osko+Deichmann on Dezeen »

Natural Indigo by Osko and Deichmann

Here’s a little text from the designers:

Natural Indigo

The Inspiration for this series of 19 vases, accessories and lights derives from a phenomenon we have noticed in Paris and London.

Natural Indigo by Osko and Deichmann

In the city center a lot of street furniture, like junction boxes, lamp posts and bollards are covered with a extraordinary stucco-like coating.

Natural Indigo by Osko and Deichmann

We instantly liked the visual and haptic quality and later found out, that it was a special anti-fly-poster-coating to prevent people from putting stickers and posters everywhere.

Natural Indigo by Osko and Deichmann

We did some experiments with the coating and transfered it to design.

Natural Indigo by Osko and Deichmann

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STRAW by Osko+Deichmann
for Blå Station
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