My Disco


Labeled everything from “post-hardcore/math rock,” “minimalist Melbourne DIY” and “reductive art-rock,” to put it simply, My Disco is a Melbourne-based trio that transform basic rock instruments into a chaotically organised synthesis of sound. Effortlessly fusing the spectacularly disciplined drumming of Rohan Rebeiro and the frenetic sharpness of guitarist Ben Andrews, with the mechanical bass and hauntingly precise vocals of Liam Andrews, My Disco creates the type of live set that leaves your chest heaving, ears bleeding and your mind unsure of what you’ve just witnessed.
On the cusp of an international tour that will see the band perform everywhere from Baltimore to Barcelona, Liam caught up with CH to talk creating, cancer and keeping up relationships.

Why the name “My Disco?”

The name is taken from Big Black, a punk band from Chicago, IL, that were active through the ’80s and their song “My Disco” was the opening song to their 1987 Headache EP.

How and when did the band form?

In the summer of 2003 we formed the band after Benjamin had been living overseas. He was in Melbourne for about a month, I think, in which time we wrote/recorded/released a five-song cassette tape and performed our first two shows, one in a cafe and the other in front of a record store.

In 2008, My Disco recorded Paradise with Steve Albini. How did that come about and what was the experience like?

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