Muslim and Jewish Groups Join Forces in Another Effort to Stop Frank Gehrys Museum of Tolerance


Frank Gehry just can’t catch a break lately, can he? Between the much-discussed Atlantic Yards booting, his Beekman Tower getting trimmed in half, and the Grand Avenue project in Los Angeles now on hold, it’s a rough time to be this particular starchitect. And now adding to the mix is the news that Muslim and Jewish groups are banding together to try and halt the building of the Gehry designed Museum of Tolerance in Jerusalem, finding both sides upset that the museum is being constructed on top of an ancient Muslim cemetery. This has been an on-going battle for a while now, with Gehry’s side fairing well in court battle during the first round of complaints (they argued that no one had been complaining about anything for all the years the site has been a parking lot), but now with a growing, multi-religious organization gathering wind in their sails to cause another uproar, who knows if this might be the next big Gehry building to fall. Certainly didn’t work for the Atlantic Yards protesters — they just had to wait for the economy to take its toll.

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