Museum of Science and Industry Picks Five Finalists for ‘Month at the Museum’

As it turns out, our pick didn’t get selected for Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry‘s Month at the Museum experiment/stunt, wherein they’ll pick one person to, as the name of the thing implies, spend a month living in its confines. So while our up-to-now can’t miss guessing efforts have failed, we were happy to see that it looks like they’ve selected five really solid finalists out of the more than 1,500 people who entered. They are Brandeis University biology/film student Alex Dainis, Seattle-based designer Krispijn Larrison, theater artist Kate McGroarty, Florida musician Johnathan Wilson, and our new pick to win the coveted prize, Chicagoan Felix Jung, who this writer recently shared the stage with when the show 20×2 came to town. Voting on who should be selected will be open until October 4th, so watch their videos and read the essays that landed them in the top five. And because this is our site and we can plug whoever we want, here’s Jung’s video:

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