Much to Critics Joy, Richard Wright Wins the Turner Prize


Based on all of last year’s negative reactions, you’d figure that the Turner Prize might have felt compelled to just pack it up and call it quits. But even the critics get it wrong from time to time (remember art critic and Turner judge Jonathan Jones‘ complaints? Along with his saying “Banksy is no longer hot”? Tell that to the droves of people who showed up in Bristol this year) because reactions this year, thus far, seem much, much more tame and, dare we say, even positive. It’s been announced this week that Scottish artist Richard Wright has won this year’s prize for his temporary gold-leaf pattern shown at the Tate Britain. He was the dark horse in the race, beating out a shortlist filled with odd pieces you could tell critics were just waiting to rip apart. But now all can rest easy, as the quiet, oldest member of that list, who didn’t expect there’d be much chance of winning, has taken home the crown. And what does the aforementioned Jonathan Jones have to say?

Wright is, in my opinion, one of the worthiest Turner winners ever. He’s also one of a handful of painters to have won it since I started following the exhibitions in 1993.

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