Mozilla Phone developer seeks your input


Designer/editor Billy May has been working with Mozilla Labs on developing “a conceptual ‘Mozilla Phone,'” he writes. “I thought it would be interesting to work this project out in the open and thought your readers might like to contribute to the development blog linked here.”

Questions he asks of himself (and hopefully, you) are:

– What will make it a Mozilla Phone?
– How can every square millimeter of a phone both input and output information to the user?
– How can our buttons, screens, speakers and trackballs communicate to more of our senses?
– How about a volume wheel that gets harder to turn the louder it goes?

Pictured above is one of his concepts, an OLED Blackberry combining an Optimus Keyboard and a B’berry 7130. Got some ideas of your own, or comments and criticisms? Get in on the process here.


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