Montreal’s cheeky Studio Rita

pThey’ve designed stacking/folding chairs that resemble manila file folders; /p

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pthey’ve populated forests with giant foam “Magic Tree” air fresheners and Lego trees; /p

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pfor ref-hating soccer fans, they’ve made a beanbag filled with dreaded, shredded yellow cards. /p

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pA HREF=”” Studio Rita/A is a Montreal-based design agency with a cheeky sense of humor and tons of creativity, and IThe Ampersand’s/I Natalie Atkinson gets in A HREF=”” a quick interview/A with principals Stephane Halmai-Voisard and Karine Corbeil on the eve of Montreal’s A HREF=”” Festival Mode Design/A, which starts tomorrow. /p

pThe interview is tightly written, but will leave you wanting more; check out the rest of Rita’s book A HREF=”” here/ /
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