Monday’s quick start: Maartje van den Noort


We just spend our last weekend in the Netherlands after a beautiful summer and extreme nice weather… this week it is time to fly back to our 'normal' life in Asia. Always a bit sad to leave our family and friends again and knowing you will be going back to a life where you always feel a bit like a stranger but that is also the interesting and exciting part… and I am convinced that living in Singapore is best for me and my family at this point in our lives. I have said it so many times before but I do believe that SG has so much to offer and I just love the climate and sunshine …

But let's start this week with some beautiful work by Maartje van den Noort from the Ntehrlands whom I finally met in person …. very briefly though but nice enough to get an impression of this talented lady …

A while ago her home was featured here on Bloesem.








.. Maartje van den Noort

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