MoMA Debuts Redesigned Website

moma web.jpgCall it 2.0. Just in time to showcase the visual tour-de-force that is its new Martin Kippenberger exhibition, New York’s Museum of Modern Art today launches its completely redesigned website. Boasting a cleaner, wider-frame look, the site features larger and bolder images, while an omnipresent menu bar at the bottom of the screen offers easier navigation through five paths: Visit, Learn, Explore, Support, and Shop.

And the changes don’t end there. The redesign—led by Allegra Burnette, MoMA’s creative director for digital media, and Steven Peltzman, MoMA’s chief information officer—integrates social networking tools (user accounts, access to MoMA’s presence on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, iTunes U, and Flickr) as well as options for personalizing one’s MoMA experience, including image-based browsing of the online collection. Finally, the new MoMA Voices section will feature audio commentaries, film trailers, and short videos on exhibitions, artists, and special projects. First up: a commissioned series of 30-second video portraits of MoMA members and staff by the Swiss artist Thilo Hoffmann. Check out MoMA marketing staffer Tamsin Nutter as she turns cartwheels through the empty galleries (probably best not to try this on your next visit):

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