Milan Design Week 2010: Parties! Established & Sons and Tuttobene

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pThursday night ended at a couple of giant parties thrown by a href=””Established amp; Sons/a and a href=””Tuttobene/a, who both have a reputation for social gatherings. The floors were covered with broken glassmdash;the women’s bathroom and the streets were no exception./p

pEstablished amp; Sons celebrated a fifth year in the old a href=””Jai-Alai/a arena in Brera. Their entire collection topped giant bleacher-like plinths, with the newest stuff at the very top: a signature lighting collection, including the ghostly Audrey lamp, and their new “cheapy” line, the worst of which was a molded polyurethane stool named “Butt.” /p

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pemAudrey Light by Michael Eden. Two ghostly profiles./em/pa href=””(more…)/a
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