Milan Design Week 2010: Nendo’s Chair Garden

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pa href=””Nendo’s/a Chair Garden was one of our favorite shows from this year. In addition to showing several new productsmdash;previewed a href=””here/a a couple of weeks agomdash;the studio built tiny constructions from terracotta pots and miniature chairs and planted them in the garden of an interior courtyard. We took a shot with a Euro, for scale./p

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pInside, strong concepts were resolved through a nuanced treatment of materials. Take for example, the period, comma, quote set of paperweights, which take the shape of the aluminum’s natural drop. Or the Corona globe, where all countries assume the same colormdash;blackmdash;and borders disappear. We also got the chance to see the Cord Chair in person. It has a leg 15mm in diameter, clad with a thin layer of wood. /p

pAnd, finally, a special treat: all of Nendo’s works, in miniature./p

pMany more shots after the jump./p

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