Milan Design Week 09: Senseware at Triennale


The Senseware exhibition in the Triennale during this year’s design week in Milan showed a wide range of installations exploring new technological fibers and their respective potential applications. One was mintdesign’s “to be someone”: breathing masks that are literally masks to disguise yourself as a chimpanzee or put up a “beautifully proportioned face”. So, if the human race is – as we are continually being told on the news – being doomed, then at least we can all go down with a certain style and irony… maybe a “Miss Piggy” mask would be most appropriate in the current situation?!

Watch the video to see more from this great exhibition:

Imagine how the new artificial fibers that have evolved through the application of high technology will spur humans to a new wave of creation. Some of these fibers are as fine as individual cells, some are more pliant than rubber, and some are electrically conductive like metals. This exhibition is an attempt to visualize some of the domains that the new Senseware can open up. Ideas were sought from architects and designers of all ilks, automobile and electrical appliance manufacturers, media artists, and even a flower artist. The exhibition represents an intersection of technology materials, and talent, all oriented towards future manufacturing.

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