Michael Okuda to Receive Award at Johnson Space Center for Work with Both NASA and Star Trek


Some fun news now from the great, mysterious void. We’re talking about outer space here — or rather, outer space by way of Houston. That’s where designer Michael Okuda is being honored by NASA with an Exceptional Public Service Medal for both his work on numerous Star Trek film and television projects since the mid-1980s, as well as helping out within the space agency itself, both outlets having been informed by one another over the decades, with Okuda as something of the middle ground in between. The designer, a long time space fanatic, has worked with NASA over the years designing patches for missions and memorials, as well as general design work throughout a number of programs. And for his work, he’ll be receiving an honor (along with 50 pages worth of other people and teams [pdf]) come July 9th at the Johnson Space Center (which we’re guessing maybe they’re not making him design).

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