Michael Jackson Auction

pimg src=http://www.productdose.com/images/products/draft_5369.gif
alt= //ppI was all ready to make some big item purchases next week at a href=http://www.juliensauctions.com/auctions/2009/michael-jackson/catalog-list.htmlthe Neverland auction/a of some of Michael Jackson’s belongings, recession be damned. Then I find out it’s a href=http://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/2335883/Michael-Jackson-auction-cancelled/been canceled/a due to a suit from MJ’s production company. Drats! I can still dream about owning some of that sweet stuff though. Like the MJ throne. Or the picture of MJ being crowned. Or being knighted. Or his transposed likeness in replicas of famous paintings./p

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