Marshall Raids and Audi Unveils at Art Basel Miami


While Stephanie is down in Florida this week to take in all that is Art Basel Miami, we feel the need to remind you that she is not there to do anything illegal or against court order. Absolutely not. We don’t want her to get into trouble with any U.S. Marshalls who apparently were all over the place right before the art fair opened on Wednesday. They were there to confiscate a series of paintings by the likes of Degas and Miro that were caught in the middle of “an insurance dispute between two dealers,” reports Bloomberg. Fortunately, it sounds as though everything has since been resolved and if you want to buy said Degas and Miros, they’re now available.

The works had hung in the booth of Zurich-based Galerie Gmurzynska among paintings and sculptures by Pablo Picasso, Robert Indiana and actor Sylvester Stallone.

Artworks have never been seized by authorities in Art Basel Miami Beach’s 8-year history, said Sara Fitzmaurice, a fair spokeswoman.

Also, in another weird bit from Miami, the car company Audi has used the art fair to unveil one of its latest models. The company is one of the prime sponsors behind Art Basel, so we can understand having cars there to show off, but it seems a little odd to do a complete announcement at an art buying show, even if you hire tabloid-heavies Chris Noth and Lucy Lui to pose next to it. Automobile says Lui “should not quit her day job” and the Miami Herald tries to explain why the company would to the unveil here and spend “upwards of $10 million” in the process.

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