Marcos Madia’s Bikoff folding bike concept is cool, but read the fine print, people!

pimg alt=”0bikoff.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”931″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pSeveral blogs have published shots of Argentina-based A HREF=”″ Marcos Madia’s/A Bikoff concept, a shortlisted finalist in the Seoul Cycle Design competition A HREF=”” as shown on Design Boom/A. However, there seems to be some confusion, as some other blogs are mistakenly claiming the bicycle is intended to fold into the briefcase itself. That’s neither accurate nor is it the point of the bike. As Madia explains [italics ours], /p

blockquote’Bikoff’ is a small foldeable bike which features a briefcase Iincorporated/I into the frame. there is an intimate relationship between the briefcase and the frame. the briefcase completes the frame, giving it great structure.

p…This project was aimed at those who do not use bicycles, those who drive their cars every morning to the office. ‘Bikoff’ was born to convince these people to leave their cars and to ride every morning to their offices./blockquote /p

pYou can check out the rest of Madia’s A HREF=”″ book on Coroflot./Abr /
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