Magical products packaged for Harry Potter

image ©WarnerBros

Behold the packaging for Magical Moustache Miracle Stubble Grow – just one of several packaging designs for a host of magical products created specially for the set of the latest Harry Potter film, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

The packaging designs shown here were all created by designer Nicholas Saunders who sent them in to CR along with some explanation of his role in the creation of props for the Weasley brothers’ magic shop that appears in the film’s Diagon Alley set.

“I worked in the graphic design department for the film under the watchful gaze of senior graphic artists Miraphora Mina and Eduardo Lima – and alonside fellow assistant graphic artist Lauren Wakefield,” Saunders explains. “It was just the four of us who created packaging for this particular set but this work here is just the stuff that I personally designed.”



“I was briefed to work on the Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes originally,” Saunders continues. “I was also asked to come up with a number of names for more  products (such as Anti Gravity Hats) to adorn the shelves. Then after the product names were approved and cleared I used the names as a base to start the designs. When the boxes were ready they were printed on mass up to 400 then they were placed on boxes of all different shapes and sizes. Then after this stage the set dressers took them to fill three storeys of shop shelves in the shop on the Diagon Alley set.







To see the packaging as it appears in the completed set, check out this clip from an ITV behind the scenes special that aired a couple of weeks ago. Saunders can be spotted in the graphic design studio wearing a red T-shirt.


All images in this post are copyright Warner Brothers



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