Macro Sea’s Glassphemy lets you recycle with rage
Posted in: UncategorizedpDevelopment company A HREF=”” Macro Sea/A, the firm that famously A HREF=”″ turned dumpsters into swimming pools last year/A, is at it again. This time the constituent parts are bulletproof glass and beer bottles, and the aim is recycling:/p
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blockquoteThis whole recycling and green thing has gotten so damn boring in recent years that we felt we had to do something. A HREF=”” GLASSPHEMY!/A celebrates the illicit thrill of breaking bottles while working through deeply rooted emotional issues (and sort of saving the planet a little)./blockquote
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blockquoteGLASSPHEMY! is Macro-Sea’s visceral and psychological recycling center. We have built a 20-foot high, 30-foot long steel tower specifically designed to allow you to hurl glass bottles at your friends, enemies, and loved ones while they are safely tucked away behind bulletproof glass./blockquote
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blockquoteWe will be collecting bottles from some local Brooklyn bars and then recycling the glass on site. We will be making cool lights, pulverizing the glass for use as environmental fill or topsoil, and through a contest sponsored by Readymade magazine opening up the project to people with other interesting recycling ideas./blockquote
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