Mac Funamizu’s USB drive concept lets you see the data

pI’m lovvvvving A HREF=”” Mac Funamizu’s USB Memory Stick #6 concept/A, which would be made out of glass and provide a rather novel form of feedback. The idea is that lights of different colors–pink for images, blue for documents, green for movie files, for example–would accumulate as you added files, letting you “see” how much data, and what sort, you had on the thing./p

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pMy only gripe with the concept is the same gripe I have with other USB drive concepts, which is the same gripe I have with automobile ads: Most car commercials show their vehicle driving down a deserted country lane, not stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic on the West Side Highway. Similarly, USB drive concepts are typically portrayed as being the only thing plugged into your computer, and on my octopus-like MacBook Pro I can’t fit anything in an available USB slot unless it’s the exact width of the slot itself./p

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