London’s Anti-Design Festival: Call for Submissions
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pThe a href=””Anti-Design Festival/a is a new event that wlll run parallel with and in opposition to the London Design Festival, promoting work that “challenges contemporary stereotypes.” For Neville Brody, the organizer of the fair this means being “uncommercial, dangerous and anti-establishement,” and, apparently exhibiting alongside people like Jonathan Barnbrook, Stuart Semple and Stefan Sagmeister. Though we aren’t sure you have to be anti-commercial to be radical, we’re looking forward to seeing the results./p
pThe bulk of the details are under wraps, but the call for submissions is open:/p
blockquoteSubmissions can take any form you want, but the bulk of the work should be cheaply made and reproducible so that visitors can take it and use it however they want. You can send us actual printed pieces, but you would have to pay for shipping (email us first to confirm shipping details). Most probably, you would send us PDFs of work that are up to A3 in size (black and white or color) that we can reproduce for you, or digital files to be shown on computers. Here are some suggested formats: Objects/ephemera already produced; PDFs of graphics to be photocopied onto A4 Sheets; Posters; Images or motion graphics to be displayed out of monitors; Sound to be played into headphones./blockquote
pGet your work into andy [at] researchstudios [dot] com by July 19th. For more guidelines, visit the a href=””site/a./pa href=””(more…)/a
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