London Design Festival Preview: Nelly Ben Hayoun’s Domestic Volcano
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pWe featured Designer/Performer a href=””Nelly Ben Hayoun/a in our a href=””Starting Out/a series this past August. During the studio visit, she mentioned off hand that she been dreaming of making a volcano (and was mildly annoyed that Eyjafjallajokull had beat her to the punch). She’s a fast worker, because this year at the London Design Festival emThe Other Volcano/em (yes, Nelly’s) will be unveiled at the Sunbury Workshops. /p
pOn show is a first ceramic version of the project, a 100 times scale down replica of the Mount St. Helen’s explosion, developed in collaboration with a href=””Austin Houlsdworth/a, explosives designer, and a href=””Carina Fearnley/a, volcanologist. /pa href=””(more…)/a
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