London Design Festival 2010 Preview: Robots in Trafalgar Square

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pIf you’re one to fantasize about having control over large-scale robots in a public space (to do good, not evil, of course), Kram/Weisshaar has teamed up with Audi to make your dreams come true during the 2010 London Design Festival./p

pAs this year’s Trafalgar Square Installation, Clemens Weisshaar and Reed Kram designed a href=””Outrace/a, an interactive installation in which the public – both those in Trafalgar Square and a remote global web audience – send instructions to eight large-scale industrial robots, on loan from Audi’s manufacturing line. Through the Outrace website during the Festival, participants can send text messages from phones and computers, which are then transcribed as 3D light messages by the installation./pa href=””(more…)/a
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