Living in Kuala Lumpur


No this is not the house where I live 🙂 but ever since my husband and I landed here in Kuala Lumpur this incredible house intrigues us enormously! We often drive by ‘the spaceship’, as my husband and I like to call it, because our friends live nearby…of course from the road you can only see so much…so yesterday I thought I’m going to search on the internet for this property and it quickly popped up on my screen … the CoolHunter recently wrote a post about the stunning residence and the architects who designed it…Paris-based Agence Jouin Manku.


(images via theCoolHunter)

…wouldn’t it be nice if one day the family invites me over for a coffee so I can see this incredible place from within it’s walls. I never expected it to be this big, because it’s so modest and well done from the outside.

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