Lift Hold Roll @ The Future Perfect: Call for Entries

pimg alt=”liftholdroll-call.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”156″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pThe Future Perfect is seeking submissions for a href=”″emLift Hold Roll/em/a, a special show the store is putting together for ICFF./p

blockquoteThe concept is based around three mechanical products that are essential to the process. These three objects are a pulley, a clamp, and a caster. The idea is to utilize any one of these objects in a finished project. You can use as many of the one object that you have chosen. The Future Perfect will provide you with one object of your choosing. /blockquote

pSome clarification on that last bit: “by one object of your choosing,” they mean that they will buy you one clamp, one pulley or one caster. For more than that, you’ll have to purchase them on your own. /p

pThe submission is a call for proposals: send a short description describing your idea (and how the pulley, clamp or caster will be used) accompanied by a sketch./p

pThe Future Perfect described this show as a way to discover and show off unknown designers outside their usual network, so don’t be shy and a href=”″emsend something in/em/a!/p

pbDeadline: March 31st, 2010/b./pa href=””(more…)/a
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