Launches with Millions of Photos, Ellen DeGeneress 6 Cutest Dogs
Posted in: UncategorizedWant to see the floor of Jackson Pollock‘s studio? Care to seek inspiration from a WPA mural of oyster fishermen? Curious as to what children were crazy lucky enough to brave Disneyland’s brain-jarring teacup ride when the park first opened in 1955? These photos and approximately seven million more are now just a click away on, which launched today. The joint venture between Time and Getty Images aims to “create the most comprehensive photo experience available online,” with everything from archival images from 1850 to constantly added Getty photos of the latest celebrity gala and/or adoption crusade.
But is much more than shimmering Kennedys. The site includes curated galleries of images on topics that range from the sublime (“Spaghetti“) to the ridiculous (“Rethink Democracy with Castles“), while homepage features take you to photos you probably wouldn’t have otherwise sought out (the “Would you Rather…?” section asks you to choose between seeing, for example, “a tapir with a prehensile nose or Marilyn Monroe touching her toes”). You can rate, share, and link to images, and along the lines of iTunes’ celebrity playlists, the site is recruiting big name guest editors. First up: Ellen DeGeneres, who helped to select “’s 6 cutest dogs,” including this 1949 shot of a charming terrier named Asta who had an unhealthy relationship with vacuum cleaners.
(Photo: W. Eugene Smith/LIFE ©Time Inc.)
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