Let me tell you the Story of Walter and Wynona


Now I bet you asking who are Walter and Wynona  and what does this have to do with the picture above. Well Walter and Wynona are the names of  the 2 tumors that were removed from my head.  Long story short I had a bump on my head got it checked out. The bump turned out to be 2 tumors, and now i have to wait 3 days before i find out its cancer. It can be 2 types of cancer one would be skin and the other would be brain. Now don’t be sad or worried cause i don’t know  for sure if i have cancer and if its brain caner im not that smart  so it cant eat away at my brain and 2 im kinda of a big guy so i have a lot of skin to spare.  All i can really say is get checked its nothing to fuck around with.

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