Layers wallpaper by Richard Hutten at the Design Museum

Layers wallpaper by Richard Hutten

Visitors are invited to make their mark on the cafe walls of London’s Design Museum by ticking boxes on this stripy wallpaper by Dutch designer Richard Hutten.

Layers wallpaper by Richard Hutten

The design of the Layers wallpaper is based on the brightly coloured tape used to seal boxes, with some strips labelled ‘fragile’, while others feature the yellow and black stripes of hazard tape.

Layers wallpaper by Richard Hutten

A few of the strips read ‘I’m Here 2:’ alongside the selection of tick boxes that offer responses like ‘play’, ‘forget’ and ‘destroy’.

Layers wallpaper by Richard Hutten

See more stories about wallpaper on Dezeen here, including some that changes under different lighting conditions.

See more projects by Richard Hutten »

Photographs are by Luke Hayes.

Here’s some more information from Designwall:

‘Layers’ by Richard Hutten in Design Museum London

The Design Museum in London decorated its cafe with the Layers wallpaper by Richard Hutten for Designwall. The Layers wallpaper is based on the everyday tapes that you would use to seal a cardboard box. Using a series of existing tape designs and the development of new patterns, Hutten transformed the idea into a wallpaper. The wallpaper is not to be seen as a finished piece, but as a wallpaper which invites you to draw or write on it. On one tape you can even leave your mark expressing your feelings or needs, in order to make it personal and unique.

Layers is a continuation from Hutten’s Layers Furniture (Milan Design Week 2008), originally designed for a room in the Llayers Lloyd Hotel in Tokyo. Layers is one of the unique wallpapers of Designwall. Designwall is a initiative of Ontwerpwerk, The Hague.

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