Large-scale data visualizations examine the American Dream
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pCraig Stover and Karl Sluis, recent graduates at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit, have re-examined what it means to “live the American Dream” through large-scale, physical data visualization of information and statistics that highlight different parts of the everyday American experience. /p
blockquoteCOMMON SENSE is an art exhibit that examines the American Dream. Through a series of thirteen works, the exhibit questions assumptions about the country’s history while it shows our common goals and dreams. It illuminates inequalities in our society and the difficult choices we must consider. Finally, Common Sense suggests possibilities for the future./blockquote
pTake for example, emThis or That/em, a visualization of how our priorities are balanced monetarily, and how it compares to, say, the Bernie Madoff pyramid scheme:/p
pobject width=”480″ height=”385″param name=”movie” value=”;hl=en_USamp;fs=1″/paramparam name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”/paramparam name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always”/paramembed src=”;hl=en_USamp;fs=1″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true” width=”480″ height=”385″/embed/object/p
pemThe Dow Jones Industrial Infantry/em visualizes the size of 30 of the biggest companies on the Dow Jones Index. Wal-mart emerges as the biggest player, by far./p
div style=”align: right;”img src=”” width=”468″ height=”312″ alt=”commonsense-dowjones.jpg”//div
pemInvesting in the Future/em is a graphic that compares each state by how much they are investing in public education. /p
div style=”align: right;”img src=”” width=”468″ height=”311″ alt=”commonsense-education-overall.jpg”//diva href=””(more…)/a
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