Lance, Illustrated: Bicycling Features Four Armstrong Covers

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Was the Lance Armstrong-inspired artwork we featured on Friday too abstract (or pricey) for your tastes? Not to worry. Fans of figuration and cycling alike should race to newsstands, where the August issue of Bicycling sports four different illustrated Armstrong covers. The magazine commissioned a diverse quartet of graphic artists to depict Armstrong in four distinct eras. Alex Gross rendered “First Yellow” Lance (pictured above, at right) in a dotty field of sunflowers after his first Tour de France win in 1999, while Sterling Hundley focused on Armstrong’s seventh straight win in “No. 7” (below left). Charity-minded Lance comes to the fore in “The Comeback” (below right), Havana-born Edel Rodriguez‘s cartoony rendition that suggests a guest spot on King of the Hill, and David Cowles took on the challenge of creating an illustration of Armstrong pegged to his latest Tour bid (above left). His solution? Paint-by-number, an old favorite of Andy Warhol and Damien Hirst. After three and a half years away from the Tour, Armstrong finished third on Sunday, after Spain’s Alberto Contador and Luxembourg’s Andy Schleck. But colorers-by-number, take note:’s Bonnie Ford observed Armstrong on the podium and writes that he “looked
uncomfortable dressed in something other than yellow.”

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