Label Love: BRVTVS Boasts Fancy Friendship Bracelets For All!

imageIf I had a dollar for every time I became frustrated in my search for a particular pair of shoes, piece of jewelry, or statement-making dress and just wished I could start my own line and design my own, I probably wouldn’t have quite enough money to actually do it, but I’d probably be pretty darn close! But funding problems aside, that’s just what designer Caroline Ventura did when she just couldn’t find the kind of jewelry she wanted to wear — she started BRVTVS, her very own jewelry brand that filled the void for the pieces she specializes in. The result is delicate gold chains and gold-and-silk bracelets and necklaces — which she describes as “fancy friendship bracelets” — that she hand-makes herself (and even hand-writes a thank-you note to go with it!). If the brand is a bit too pricey for you, don’t fret — Ventura has big plans for a more modestly priced next collection featuring nautical-inspired string and bead bracelets if those are more up your alley! Until then, check out BRVTVS’ most recent collection in the slideshow!

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