Komforte Chockolates Tortilla Lime + Salt Bar


Subtly crunchy and with its palate-challenging mix of salty, sweet and sour flavors, one of our office-mates put it best when she called Komforte Chockolates‘ Tortilla Lime + Salt bar a “super stoner snack.” The treat expertly balances a difficult combo of tangy lime, small bits of tortilla chips and a rich milk chocolate base, all nicely punctuated by a hit of salt, even pleasing our tasters who initially thought they “would hate it.”


Other reviews included “exotic yet approachable,” and nearly all were taken by the “mouth melt” which comes from a soft texture that’s closer to a ganache than traditional firm bars—and definitely speaks to the “comfort” side of the experience. The quality comes from Komforte’s commitment to artisinal production methods, making their chocolates in small batches and sourcing all ingredients locally and nationally.


Their debut line also includes Ramen Noodle and French Toast, and all flavors start at $3 per bar, selling online as well as from retailers nationwide, which you can
locate on their site

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