Just some Furniture I like…


Lately my husband and I are searching or should i say exploring … no budget at the moment 🙂 for some furnituter we would love to see in our new apartment in Singapore (please key arrive this week!) and the bookshelf Haarlem by RAW studios based in Pretoria South Africa is definetly added to our wish-list. 


And either one of these dining table chairs would fit really nicely with the Haarlem Bookshelf don't you think? Both are designed by  Scott, Rich & Victoria, an inter-disciplinary design partnership of New Zealanders Scott Fitzsimons and Richard Hartle, who began working together in London in late 2007. 


Cristina Alonso and Isaac Pineda are Nadadora. A Design Studio from Spain  and again I love the dinig-chair, which one the three in the images do you like best? 


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