Julian Perretta’s interactive music video

devilfish has made an interactive music promo for musician Julian Perretta‘s track Ride My Star in which you, the viewer, can watch yourself, filmed by your computer’s webcam, “holding” the 3d pop-up style animation in your hands…

The idea is that you print off a special “tracker” image which you then hold up for your computer’s webcam to pick up. The tracker looks like this:

Then the 3d, pop-up-book style content of the video appears, in glorious, spatial 3d as if you’re holding it. Here’s a demo of someone “watching” the video:

“We used a combination of Flash and Papervision to create the 3d scenarios,” explains devilfish. “This was then developed in Augmented Reality, which uses Flash, your webcam and a special printed “icon” (tracker) to create a fully immersive, interactive video.”

The pop-up book designs were created by London based design studio Blacionica. Zerofractal Studios from Colombia animated the video, developed the groundbreaking Augmented Reality experience and created the accompanying interface.

The icon/tracker will be handed out as part of a flyer at dates on Julian’s tour supporting Girls Aloud. It can also be downloaded from Julian Peretta’s website: julianperretta.com where you can also watch / experience the video. You’ll need Flash 10 and a webcam for it to work to its full potential!

Client: Laura Kirkpatrick, Columbia Records
Digital agency: devilfish
Creative director: Matt Cole
Agency producer: Kate Bush
Design: Blacionica
Developers: Zerofractal Studios

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