Jongchul Kim’s Mint-fresh product design concepts

Under the name Mintselect, Seoul-based designer Jongchul Kim has developed an insanely deep portfolio of product concepts done under his Mintpass brand.

It takes a lot to tickle us, but his Mint Timepiece 5 Progress Bar clock had us at “Hello.” (Dvice succinctly describes the clock as “Day loading, please wait.”)


The Mint Timepiece 6 Finger Language Clock tells you the time via robot hands and sign language:


The Mint Multi-tap is a clever expandable powerstrip:


The Mint Light 4 Rollight is a portable battery-powered strip of LED lights that can be rolled into a flashlight, or unrolled into task or mood lighting:


Check out more of Kim’s work on Coroflot. (Warning: You may spend the rest of the day browsing his portfolio.)


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