John Thackara at Parsons X2

If you missed John Thackara’s presentation at Parsons last night, you’ll have another chance this afternoon (Tuesday) when he takes part in a panel at Parsons School for Design Strategy from 2:30 to 4:30PM. The topic will be, “How can exhibitions best facilitate social learning toward more sustainable futures? Is it too fixed a medium, too superficial, or too abstract? What can it lead to? How does it compare to books, conferences, demo projects, competitions, campaigns, or (digital) networks?” The discussion will focus around John’s work with the DOTT Festival and EcoCity Lab, and guests will be Aaron Levy (Slought Foundation and co-curator of Into the Open), Maura Lout (Curator of “Growing and Greening New York”), Manuel Toscano (Zago), Debra Johnson (Pratt Design Incubator), Allan Chochinov (Core77), and Parsons Dean of Design Strategies, Joel Towers.

66 Fifth Avenue, between 12th and 13th streets in the lobby at Kellen Gallery.


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