Jerry Saltz Takes on MoMAs Lack of Female Artists via Facebook


Staying in the museum world for a bit longer, Art Info has the goods on a bit of heated discussion at the hands of New York‘s art critic, Jerry Saltz. At the start of the month, the critic posted to his Facebook account that he wanted to know why MoMA‘s collection, on the 4th and 5th floors of their building, only featured 19 pieces by women, roughly 4% of the total. This led to lots of high-profile people in the industry, including MoMA employees, chiming in to give their two cents. Since then, Saltz has moved beyond Facebook, sending a letter to curator Ann Temkin asking for a response, with some very strong words: “…if we can try to close Gitmo, we can try to close this sad gap at MoMA.” Makes for some good reading and thinking all around.

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