James Dyson Donates Five Million to Royal College of Art
Posted in: UncategorizedJames Dyson, unable to build his design and engineering school after a drawn out tussle with the city of Bath in the UK, has decided that he still wants to help out by giving money to design education, so he’s announced that he will be giving five million dollars to the Royal College of Art to help construct a new building on their campus. He’s said that he hopes passing along this money to his alma mater (also that of David Adjaye, Ridley Scott, and Jonathan Ive) will help foster England’s design education, giving rise to more innovative thinking and developments in the country during these tough economic times. Here’s a bit:
“You often hear of British designers who’ve gone abroad and designed things for Apple, Volvo, Sony and so on, but if we are able to go on training very good designers and engineers, and manufacturing is given the right sort of support by government, I believe we can turn the tide and start exporting more than we import – and have great fun in the process.”
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