It’s the CR Quiz of the Year

It’s coming to the end of another year in the wonderful world of visual communications. Time to test your knowledge of who did what in the CR Quiz of the Year.

We’ve divided the questions up into the months of the year. If you’re stuck for an answer, you can find them all by digging around either in this website or in your back issues of the printed magazine. Best of luck. Answers to be revealed in the New Year.




1. CR’s January issue introduces readers to six Ones to Watch. One of these young creatives also designed our cover – who was it?


2. Starbuck’s reveals a new stripped-down logo designed by which US consultancy alongside the brand’s in-house team?


3. Intel launches The Chase, an innovative ad featuring a 105-second chase across a wide variety of programme windows on a computer desktop including iTunes, Facebook, YouTube, Microsoft Office and the Adobe Creative Suite. Which agency was responsible?

4. “It does look like a bulbous penis, unfortunately.” Which major sporting event’s logo, launched this month, was this CR commenter referring to?

5. The Gunn Report reveals the most awarded commercial of 2010. An unlikely tale in French, can you remember the name of the ad and the client?




1. Can you name three of the typefaces honoured in the Best in Book section of our Type Annual?


2. Droga5 launches a campaign to remove all the advertising from Times Square in aid of the new documentary by which filmmaker? Bonus point: what was the film called?

3. VW reveals what would go on to be the most viewed ad of the year at the Superbowl. Name the ad and the agency responsible


4. Unit Editions launches its book on Dutch studio Total Design: can you name two of Total’s founding partners?


4. Penguin Books follows up Great Ideas with Great Food. Who was the art director on the series?


5. Which country threatens to boycott the 2012 Olympics because of the logo? Not as a comment on the quality of its design but because it allegedly spells ‘zion’.



1. The Brit Insurance Design of the Year Award goes to…?


2. CR profiles the designer of pictograms that represent every aspect of life. His work also appears in our Monograph booklet that month: what was his name?


3. Which punk band did we also feature in the same issue?


4. Wieden + Kennedy launches a new commercial featuring cats with thumbs: which client was it for?


5. Eurostar launches its new identity – or should we say ‘brand world’? Who designed it?


6. The Design Museum’s Wim Crouwel show opens. Which London-based designer and self-confessed Crouwel stalker co-curated it?




1. CR announces its list of our 20 favourite logos of all time. Which one came top?


2. Who designed the cover of our April issue?


3. Hat-Trick designs a series of RSC stamps featuring Shakesperean quotes written out by which illustrator?


4. A spoof Royal Wedding video becomes massively popular on YouTube (comments on CR range from “You can feel the smugness coming off the screen in waves” to “I LOVE this ad, it’s funny, and that… as they say, is that! “- which ad agency was responsible?

5. D&AD launches a new award for work done for creative ideas that change the world for the better: what colour pencil will the winner receive?



1. In CR, Rick Poynor interviews someone described as a “musician, artist, film director, writer and patron of great graphic design”. Who?


2. Name three projects honoured as Best in Book in the CR Annual


3. The Little Chef gets a makeover, courtesy of which brand design studio?

4. BBH creates an epic two-and-a-half-minute commercial for Audi in which a driver talks about his experiences of which famous race?


5. The Design Museum stages a show about which soft drink?


6. What was this little feller advertising?




1. CR profiles veteran ad man Sir John Hegarty: what was the name of his creative partner on the 1985 Levi’s Laundrette commercial?


2. The Glue Society creates an installation consisting of a house where it rains on the inside for an arts festival in which country?

3. Name two of the six Black Pencils awarded at D&AD

4. And the winner of the Titanium Lion at Cannes?

5. Wieden + Kennedy launches an innovative scheme by which fans of which band can create their own album cover and even earn a share of sales?



1. Name two of the illustrators featured in the Best in Book section of the CR Illustration Annual

2. And who designed the cover of this issue?

3. Former graphic designer and music video director Mike Mills releases his second feature film, starring Ewan McGregor. What was it called?

4. MoMA in New York opens a major show on interactive design – what was it called?


5. Which Leeds-based studio created this new identity for the National Railway Museum?





1. CR’s Summer Reading issue features a selection of great writing on visual communication. Who wrote this? “Early in my life as a designer, I acquired a reputation as a good bullshitter.”

2. Levi’s releases the latest in its Go Forth series of ads but which event made the timing of this ad somewhat awkward and ensured that it would not be shown in the UK?

3. Which illustrator releases a Daily Monster Maker app?


4. How old would Bill Bernbach have been on August 13?


5. The Radio Times launches a controversial website designed by which studio?




1. CR features a book on the in-house packaging design department of which major supermarket?


2. Name one of the graduates featured in our September Graduate Special issue?


3. Interbrand renames Airmiles as what?


4. At last some interesting work for the Olympics – a series of Paralympic posters by agency McCann Worldgroup and which illustrator?




1. CR features the Comedy Carpet, a major installation in which seaside town?


2. In his regular logo design column, Michael Evamy looks at the Google Android: who designed it?


3. The Imperial War Museums unveil a new identity by which studio?


4. Steve Jobs passes away: in which year was the Mac launched with Ridley Scott’s famous ad?


5. “What an appalling redesign. The choice of font is uninspired. The mark is lazy (ten minutes in illustrator?). The positioning of the mark lacks dynamism. And the strapline is so trite that it must have come out of a marketing dept group ‘workshop’.” Which logo for a major UK corporation is this CR commenter talking about?


6. Name three of the cartoon characters featured in TBWA’s Müller yoghurt Wunderful Stuff commercial

7. As the Occupy movement pitches camp outside St Paul’s it publishes a newspaper, The Occupied Times, using which Jonathan Barnbrook typeface?



1. “I like it to be powerful. I like to have some humanity in it.” That’s why his body of work still speaks to us decades later. It has humanity. Who was Rick Poynor talking about in a major feature in CR?


2. Who painted Coke’s Yes Girl, the subject of a major piece in CR this month?

3. “Such a great twist at the end! Watched the video 3 times and wanted to cry each time!! So heart wrenching… but lovely” Which ad is this CR commenter talking about?


4, Name three of the artists producing posters for the 2012 Olympics

5. “Looks like he spilt his paint and was trying to wipe it up”. Which artist’s Olympic poster was this CR commenter referring to?

6. Students from which college produce alternative Olympic poster designs featured on the CR blog?




1. Which city is the focus of CR’s attention in print this month?

2. Which Dutch designer, profiled in CR this month, increased her body weight by almost 50% during the course of one mammoth project during which she barely left her desk?

3. The Design Museum acquires which weapon and design ‘classic’ for its collection?


4. Which brand suggests shopping with it will allow us to avoid the Walk of Shame?


5. Which rapper-turned-design critic offered this analysis of the work of Charles and Ray Eames: “they was doing mash-ups before mash-ups even existed!”


Merry Christmas and a happy New Year from all at CR




CR in Print

If you only read CR online, you’re missing out. The January issue of Creative Review is a music special with features on festivals, the future of the music video and much much more. Plus it comes with its very own soundtrack for you to listen to while reading the magazine.

If you would like to buy this issue and are based in the UK,you can search for your nearest stockist here. Based outside the UK? Simply call +44(0)207 292 3703 to find your nearest stockist. Better yet, subscribe to CR for a year here and save yourself almost 30% on the printed magazine.

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