Itay Laniado’s Farm Tools for your Garden

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pBack in March, we a href=””wrote/a about Israeli designer a href=””Itay Laniado’s/a wooden ladder, walking stick and wallet. Expanding on his explorations in wood and simple mechanisms, he recently completed an investigative study on the material, aesthetic and functional properties of what he calls a href=””garden tools/a (but which seem to us to be more historically-minded farm tools). The result is a group of six oak and stainless steel tools, all with the pop of red twine-wrapped handles. /p

pFor the six tools (machete, sickle, spade, shovel, scythe and bow saw), Laniado developed a technique of bending and stretching the oak into what he found to be the most appropriate functional and simple form for each object. He also experimented with methods for bending and shaping the steel blades, along with their forms. His aesthetic is serious but subtle, with a nice contrast between the get-down-to-business blades and the approachability of the wood handles and red twine. You’ve gotta have quite the garden (and maybe some pent-up aggression…or just a farm and some Amish pep) to warrant some of these. br /
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