Isaac Mizrahi Selects Winner for Studio 360s Gay Pride Redesign
Posted in: UncategorizedFollowing up on a post from earlier this month, the PRI/WNYC program Studio 360 has launched the results of its “Reimagining the Rainbow” project in their latest episode which airs this weekend (but you can hear it right now using the player below). You’ll recall that the show was asking listeners (and the firm Worldstudio) to redesign the gay pride branding, trying to find something new beyond the familiar rainbow flag. The submitted entries to Flickr were a mixed bag, as these things tend to be (this was our favorite), but some were pretty interesting. But by far the most fun of all of it is listening to Isaac Mizrahi, stepping in as guest judge to pick his favorite entry. Paper recently put together this interview with Mr. 360 himself, Kurt Andersen, who had this great quote about how they landed Mizrahi:
I was originally talking to him and I happened to mention that we were doing this idea and he said “Oh I’d pay to be the judge of that.” And I told him, “you don’t have to!”
He said that among his friends they argue about which of his friends is the king of the gays and this is chance to prove it.
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