Is uncluttered and remarkable living the best path for you?

Unclutterer: Someone who chooses to get rid of the distractions that get in the way of a remarkable life.

There are three important words in this definition –

  • Chooses. No one can be forced into being an unclutterer.
  • Distractions. Usually referred to as clutter, distractions are the unwanted physical, mental, time, environmental, and emotional hurdles that get in the way of your remarkable life.
  • Remarkable life. A life fully focused on what matters most to you.

Have you chosen to be an unclutterer? Is it actually something you want to be? Unless you’re putting yourself or others in danger, being an unclutterer might not be the best life for you. Maybe it is? Only you know if it’s your right path.

Have you identified all of the distractions that are keeping you from pursuing your remarkable life? What stands in your way? Is laundry, a toxic relationship, or something else sucking up your time and energy?

Do you know what is important, really important, to you? What would a perfect day be for you? How do you imagine spending your time when it is focused on what matters most? What is your definition of remarkable living?

If your children are on your list of what matters most to you, are you working the right job that allows you a symbiotic relationship of career happiness, reasonable financial compensation, flexible scheduling, and the ability to focus on your children when you’re not at work? Or, is your job impairing your relationship with your kids?

If your health is on your list of what matters most to you, are you regularly finding a way to have fun exercising? Or, are you sitting on your couch feeling guilty about not working out?

If your relationship with your spouse or partner is on your list of what matters most to you, do you have romantic dates together or write the love of your life silly poems of admiration? Or, do you just hold on to memories of the past when you did these things together?

If you want to be an unclutterer — choose to be one, get rid of the distractions, and pursue your remarkable life. Stop making excuses, formulating excuses wastes time and energy, and just start living in a way that focuses on what is really important to you.

Life is short, choose to live remarkably.

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