Is a career in packaging design appealing to ID grads?

pLike my college classmates, I studied industrial design with thoughts of going into furniture, electronic products or auto design, the sexier subdivisions of ID. Package design never occurred to any of us as an option until one of our number, a guy named Randy, got an internship doing package design. It paid roughly 50% more than any other ID internship at the time, and when he came back to the studio and told us what he was making we all dropped our glue guns./p

pRandy quit that internship after a few months to take an even more lucrative one doing POP (point-of-purchase) design. Upon learning of the vacancy, I called the first place, secured an internship with them after an interview, and after graduating I had steady freelance work from them for 12 years./p

pThat was a long time ago, but what do ID students think of going into packaging design now? IPackaging News/I hits The New Designers show at London’s Business Design Centre to find out:/p

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