International Design Excellence Awards: Our fave Bronze winners


BusinessWeek and the IDSA’s International Design Excellence Awards remind us why we love ID so; the sheer breadth of products, not to mention the quality, encapsulated in this year’s awards have something to wow even the most jaded design-head.

“This year’s IDEA were judged during a scalding hot few days in May,” says Helen Walters BusinessWeek’s Innovation & Design Editor. “Despite the searing heat, jury members remained remarkably even-tempered, even when brawling over whether something was worthy of a gold, silver or bronze award. The judges immersed themselves in these projects, really getting to grips with the story behind each design. So while not every award was unanimous, each one was certainly agonized over.”

Here we take a look at some of our favorite Bronze Award winners. Hit the jump for large shots and descriptions, or click here to wade through all 71. (Stay tuned for Silver and Gold.)


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