Inbox Posters

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London-based design studio Brighten the Corners makes light of the messaging system now ingrained in our daily lives with their new set of posters aptly titled “Inbox.” From funny to feisty, the posters visualize 10 years of the design firm’s collection of “good emails” deserving special attention for their expressive (or lack thereof) merits.

Creators of the clever typographic children’s tales (geared for adults), Brighten The Corners again skillfully taps data for a compelling bit of eye-candy. In this case reimagining digital technology’s detritus makes for a candid reminder of life’s ups and downs and a cheeky way to jazz up some office wall space.


Quotes on the posters include blunders like, “Please let me know if you don’t get this,” the disheartening, “I regret that I cannot accept much of what you say and, unfortunately, we are miles apart in relation to an acceptable termination charge” and the inspirational, “We’re delighted to be working with you!”

For an in-depth look at the posters and insight from Brighten the Corners co-founders Frank Philippin and Billy Kiosoglou, see the article on Creative Review’s blog.

The posters sell from the Brighten the Corners online shop at £10 for the set of three.

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