In Case of Design – Inject Critical Thinking


Raising several questions about the state of design today and the importance of valid criticism, the new book “In Case of Design – Inject Critical Thinking” analyzes the changing role media plays in the universal design discussion. Swedish author (and designer herself) Frida Jeppson assembled a cast of some of the world’s most vocal critics and wordsmiths—including Stephen Heller, Anna Gerber, Donna Loveday and more—to lend context to the argument that today’s design industry should offer better works through more rigorous methods, while its media should better exercise the responsibility to critique those shortfalls.

“In Case of Design” challenges the design community with issues like “What part does criticism play in the role of a modern designer, or the education of an aspiring designer,” “How can the use of a common language better inform the public and designers themselves?” and “What responsibility does the media have in shaping design?” Jeppsson, frustrated with the level of breadth over depth when covering design in the media, explains that “the product-focused and uncritical ways in which it is being represented today really doesn’t do design any favors.”

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An attempt to shift the focus from consumer-driven design used as “eye candy” for the surplus of media outlets existing today to intelligent design that will benefit the future and shape our surroundings, “In Case of Design” refreshingly surveys how designers and critics alike can work together to create meaningful products and systems.

“In Case of Design – Inject Critical Thinking” sells online for €15.

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