In Birth, In Life, In Death, with Google

Collective aa-nn-dd email us news of three large-scale artworks they’ve created using Google ads. Each is based on ads targeted to three fairly substantial subjects; Birth, Life and Death…

Glads is a series of artworks depicting life through the medium of targeted Google ads,” say aa-nn-dd. “Life events become a point of barter. People become commodities.

“After building a search engine to cultivate Google’s keyword based ads, Scriptographer was used to turn Creative Commons-licensed images into an abstracted mosaic of adverts,” they explain.

“The resulting details are variously dark, funny, tangential and trite, and offer a point of entry to current debates surrounding the influence of online behemoths.”

Here’s a close-up of how the In Death image was built up using Google ads:

And the full set, In Birth, In Life and In Death:

According to their website, aa-nn-dd “is a creative space populated by an expanding number of collaborators who believe in the conjunctive. We are technologists and typographers and illustrators and poets and musicians and +”.

aa-nn-dd are currently looking for a gallery space in which to exhibit the Glads series. 

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