Icon’s design departure for compact flashlights

pI love my Surefire E2L LED flashlight, but I have to admit that design-wise it shares an aesthetic with most other tactical torches: It looks like it oughta be strapped to an assault rifle./p

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pOne flashlight company breaking out of the “threatening flashlight” look is Icon, with their Rogue and polymer-bodied Modus lines./p

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pThe former is still a metal cylinder, albeit with the look of sculpted aluminum; the latter is an even further design departure, fattening up the cylinder in the middle for grip and adding webbing for good measure. /p

pAnother of Icon’s nice design touches is functional: Both flashlights feature an easily-clickable low-power setting. This is useful if you’re, say, sharing a room with a sleeping friend and you just need enough light to find something, not blind a suspect.br /
/pa href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/object_culture/icons_design_departure_for_compact_flashlights_16187.asp”(more…)/a
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