i have 4 days left to live

3 weeks ago a guy (pictured above) stopped me on the street and said he didn’t want money, but he said that “god told him, to tell me that i will die before my next birthday” i don’t think god knows that i cant die. Cause im like Connor McCloud of the clan McCloud.

So over the past 3 weeks ive been doing some thinking and i got inspired by ryan freitas’s 35 Lessons in 35 Years. And decided to share my own life lessons, you know just in case.

– treat your partner like a rocket ship. Get inside her and take her to heavens and back.
– Love has nothing to do with looks, but everything to do with time, trust, and interest.
– Love is a 4-letter word
– falling in love is hard on the knees
– caring about someone, doesn’t mean they care back
– have some ones back no matter what.
– high school is not the best years of your life
– It’s the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary
– whiskey wednesday is the best thing ever
– always have a great pair of socks on
– name you appliances/furniture it will give them life. or make you crazy
– Never say never, and never say always.
– if your going to burn a bridge, pour it with gas and set it a blaze and don’t look back.
– Never discuss religion or politics at the dinner table
– Being an adult can be fun when you are acting like a kid
– Trust your gut
– be a little strange, the world will look better
– freckles are not fly shit
– its ok to be scared, but don’t let that fear control you.
– always look at both sides of the metal.
– try everything once.
– cook for other people
– dont chew with your mouth open
– find your drink and stick with it.
– know your limits
– any day that ends is a Y is a good day to drink whiskey
– it’s ok to wear pink
– own more than one pair of shoes. You should have a couple pairs of black shoes, one pair of brown and about 140 sneakers
– does not make you happy
– cant take it with you when you die
– never tell some one how much you make, youll sound like an ass
– “Difficult” takes a day. “Impossible” takes a week.
– Don’t let awards control your life. Don’t get a big ego. But awards are necessary
– no job is below you.
– Your reputation is more important than your paycheck, and your integrity is worth more than your career.
– Learn the Rules and Then break them
– don’t open your mouth until you know the shot.
– take lunch.
– have at least one dog or cat that can show you unconditional love.
– walk in the rain (preferable bare foot )
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